Category Archives: Building Humanist Community

ADL 2015 03 March

ADL 2015 04 April

ADL 2015 May

ADL 2015 06 June

ADL 2015 07 July

ADL 2015 08 August

ADL 2015 09 September

ADL 2015 10 October

ADL 2015 11 November

Welcome Humanists, especially those in the Billings Montana area

We are a group of skeptics, atheists, post-theists, agnostics, empiricists, existentialists, free thinkers and others who chose to live in a world where human values are based on human experience and not on divine inspiration.  As a group we are more on the secular side of the humanist movement.10309562_1_l We meet regularly in the Billings area. Check our meetup site for events, the next few are on the right of this page. If you have questions, you can send us a note at If you want to join our emailing list, send an email from the account your want to receive our newsletter, calendar of events and other notices to There are more ways to contact us on the contact us page. We are looking to network with other secular and/or humanist groups in the region.